Saturday, May 14, 2011

Things We Might Lose

Returning home from college is the most depression stage one experiences in one’s life. Unfortunately, not everyone can escape this debacle during and after their college life. So I combine a list of things some college student loses after returning home from college.

1. Your rights.
2. Freedom
3. Sex
4. Space
5. Down time

First when you lose your rights that mean you can’t really say what you want whenever you want. You have to respect everyone’s wishes and be mindful of the ground rules in your parents’ house. Next we have your freedom. As a college student I was able to drink, party, have random events at my house, and leave for the weekend whenever I wanted to. As of now I'm not able to do any of those things anymore. Now we have sex; unfortunately, nobody wants to sneak and have sex. You want to be in the comfort of your own home where you can’t be distracted or interrupted while pleasuring your partner, so kiss your sex life goodbye. Finally, we have your space and down time. Everyone needs his or her own space but when living in a household that depends on you to keep everything organized it might be hard to have your own down time and space.

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